One disturbing fact about high blood pressure is that people can have it for years and not be aware of it. The National Heart Association estimates that about 30% of the adults in the United States have high blood pressure and that one third of them are unaware of it. When you have your blood pressure taken it is reported in two numbers, as 120/80 for example. The first number is called the systolic and the second is the diastolic. The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute have issued its set of guidelines for the interpretation of these numbers. • Normal – Below 120/80 mmHg • Prehypertension – Systolic pressure between 120 and 129, diastolic pressure between 80 and 89. • Stage 1 Hypertension - Systolic pressure between 140 and 159, diastolic between 90 and 99. • Stage 2 Hypertension – Systolic over 160 and diastolic above 100. In the initial stages of high blood pressure it is not uncommon to experience no symptoms at all. Over time symptoms may include nosebleeds, dizzy spells and headache.
Many times there are no obvious causes for high blood pressure. What we do know is there are certain risk factors associated with developing the condition. These include age and heredity, smoking, excess weight and having a diet consisting of high sodium intake. NATURAL SOLUTIONS FOR HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE You should always work very closely with your doctor if you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure. They may want you to take medication to control it. If you do not treat high blood pressure it can cause damage to your organs, heart attack and stroke. You should also explore natural remedies and lifestyle changes with your physician. (CoQ10) COENZYME Q10 Recent studies suggest that this is effective in treating high blood pressure. In one study systolic pressure was reduced by 17.8 mmHg and another showed it to be reduced by 6.1 mmHg. These were viewed as significant reductions by researchers. GARLIC SUPPLEMENTS Recent studies have shown that garlic supplements have the ability to lower both systolic and diastolic pressure. Patients with mild cases of high blood pressure have been the most successful. These supplements have the ability to thin down blood and may interact with prescription drugs. It is therefore advised that this be done only under the supervision of your primary care provider. Due to the blood thinning abilities garlic supplements should be discontinued in the weeks prior to and after any type of surgery. HAWTHORNE Studies show that this has the capability to significantly reduce both systolic and diastolic pressure. It has been long used by herbal practitioners and has not shown any interaction with prescription medication. FISH OIL Additional research is needed on this. There have been some preliminary studies that show it can produce moderate effects. Fish oil contains an acid called DHA that is thought to be responsible. FOLIC ACID This is a B vitamin that is needed for the formation of red blood cells. Limited studies suggest that it can lower blood pressure in some people. DASH DIET The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute along with the National Institute of Health both promote the DASH Diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension). Studies have shown that this diet which includes fruits, vegetables, low fat dairy products, nuts and beans can reduce blood pressure in as little as two weeks. If you are interested in doing further research I would suggest that you visit their websites for detailed information. If left untreated high blood pressure overtime can present serious health problems. These are some of forms of natural remedies that you can do further research on. Others include biofeedback, yoga, aerobic exercise and Ayurvedic Medicine. Some of these also offer important forms of stress reduction which can also be beneficial. |