Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Few Tricks For Conceiving Your Baby Girl

A Few Tricks For Conceiving Your Baby GirlDo you already have a couple of sons and you truly want to have a girl baby? Even though many people think that it is impossible to control the gender of your future baby, there are some techniques that actually can improve the probability of conceiving a girl.
There is no sure fire way to accomplish this. All you can do is to follow the tips in this article and hope that they work for you. The place to start is being aware of your ovulation cycle, which is when your egg will be ready for fertilization. There are a couple of methods you can utilize in order to determine the time of your ovulation. The easiest way is to use an ovulation predictor kit which can predict when you will ovulate rather accurately. Another option is to measure your body temperature. Your temperature will increase up to one degree when you ovulate and will stay higher until your cycle has ended.

It is important to remember that your egg lives only about 24 hours. Since sperm can live longer than that (about 72 hours), you can get pregnant even if you have intercourse three days before you ovulate. The average time of ovulation for women is approximately 14 days after the periods start. If you’re trying to get pregnant with a girl, then knowing when you ovulate is very important.
In this article we talk about the methods to improve your chances to get pregnant with a girl. When it comes to ovulation, you should have sex from the time your periods ends to about three days before you ovulate. It is scientifically proved that boy sperm is more fragile than girl sperm. Girl sperm generally can live in the woman’s system and be present when the egg is released while the boy sperm will have died within those 3 days.
The best sexual position to conceive a girl is the missionary position. The penetration in missionary position is rather shallow making the distance to the cervix longer. This benefits girl sperm that are more likely to survive that distance, especially since closer to the vaginal opening is more acidic conditions. It is much harder for boy sperm to survive in such conditions. One other significant (not necessarily pleasant) factor that can influence for the conception of a girl is that you should avoid having an orgasm during intercourse. Because of alkaline secretions the odds of the boy sperm surviving to the egg increase. Besides, the orgasmic contractions can help them to move to the egg as well.
Other factors to consider when wondering how to conceive a girl are diet. Building up the acidity in the woman’s body may kill the boy sperm and allow the tougher girl sperm to fertilize the egg. To build up the acidity to help girl sperm fertilize your egg increase calcium and magnesium and reduce sodium and potassium.
Remember that you will love your baby whether it’s a boy or a girl, but trying a few tricks to get the gender you prefer won’t hurt. If these tips don’t work for you, at least you have fun while trying.