Dry skin has numerous causes. Some people are born with it and it persists throughout life. It can be uncomfortable, incessantly irritable and desire to scratch is always present. The more it is scratched, the greater becomes the irritation and desire to repeat the process. It gives no lasting reliefs.
Aging people normally tend to have increasingly less secretions of tiny oil producing glands of the skin (Sebaceous glands). Therefore, there is a tendency for their skin to dry out, becoming irritable and uncomfortable. Besides it tend to lose elasticity can evoke considerable discomfort.
Some environments can predispose to a drying out of the skin. Also, certain illness can cause the skin to become abnormally dry. Any persisting dry skin should receive proper investigation by the physician.
1. Care in washing
- Avoid excessive washing- This tends to further dry out the already dry skin.
- Avoid the use of soaps as much as possible. These are generally alkaline and are quite harsh to the sensitive skin, tending to make it dryer than ever.
- Avoid undue drying medication.
- Avoid excessively hot or dry climates if possible.
2. Application
- Fat-Based applications to the skin often assist.
- Apply when is still moist. Lanoline is excellent.
- Coconut butter, liquid paraffin, petrolatum and other simple ointment are helpful.
3. Thick, dry, cracked skin
Sometime the skin in certain areas become hard, thick and dry and may be cracked. A common site is the heel. The fingers in aged persons may also be similarly affected, becoming quite painful and bleeding.
Vitamin A in a suitable ointment applied liberally and often, frequently produces excellent results after it has been used for some time. It must be preserved with in conjunction with the other general measures noted earlier. If an effective result does not occur within several weeks it is worth having a medical check from the physician. Sometimes chemical toxins can cause skin thickening. These need medical examination and tests.