Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The True Cause Of An Ovarian Cyst

The True Cause Of An Ovarian Cyst An ovarian cyst is a collection of fluids, which is surrounded by a slender wall in the ovary. Ovarian cysts are a real concern amongst lots of women, especially of childbearing age. Though the majority of ovarian cysts are simply benign in nature, several ovarian cysts can turn out to be cancerous, although this is really uncommon. Since the first step of correctly diagnosing and treating ovarian cysts is to locate the cause of the sickness, it is essential to understand the possible causes of ovarian cysts.
On the other hand, there is no single cause of ovarian cysts. Ovarian cysts can be triggered by a variety of primary factors and secondary factors. It is vital to understand these various factors to be able to seek correct treatment.
There are many primary factors, which lead to ovarian cysts. These factors must not be isolated however, in view of the fact that at times the combination of these factors could together lead to ovarian cysts.

1. Genetic Predisposition:
Genetic predisposition is normally considered to be the primary cause of ovarian cysts as research has shown that the genetic pattern of women who have this chronic condition is different as compared to women who never get ovarian cysts or PCOS. Nonetheless, this must not be a death warrant for the reason that lots of times the genetic characteristics can be modified with the assistance of environmental factors and proper lifestyle related changes.
2. Poor Dietary Choices:
various types of food including those rich in carbohydrates, junk food, toxic food and acidic food can bring about a hormonal imbalance and could weaken your immune system, making you more vulnerable to ovarian cysts. Similarly a diet rich in sugar and low on fresh vegetables can make the task of flushing out toxins difficult, thus aggravating the ovarian cyst problem.
3. Weak Immune System:
A weak immune system invites trouble, for the reason that it is not able to put up a natural fight against ovarian cyst triggers. Lots of factors including dietary factors and sleep deprivation can lead to weakened immune system.
4. Insulin Resistance:
High level of insulin can stimulate ovarian androgen production, that leads to the production of male hormones. This decreases the serum sex-hormone binding globulin or SHGB. The SHBG can in turn aggravate the ovarian cyst condition to quite an extent.
5. Failed Ovulation Process:
Every so often, the ovaries fail to release egg every month. This fails to produce progesterone and brings about hormonal imbalance. This could then lead to the formation of ovarian cysts.
Besides the above primary factors, toxins in liver and even environmental toxins could aggravate ovarian cysts. Hence, the ovarian cyst condition is not a simple one to understand or cure. Conventional wisdom blinded by hackneyed forms of treatment cannot treat and cure ovarian cysts. In order to treat this complex sickness, a multidimensional view adopted by the holistic method is considered necessary.
The holistic method is likewise effective because it deals with a variety of factors and manages to find out the root cause of the disease. Next, systematically with a comprehensive method, the physician can help you bring about a lot of lifestyle changes, which can aid in treatment.
Thus, when it comes to curing ovarian cysts, a holistic method is required to understand the causes of ovarian cysts and so as to treat this condition in a scientific and holistic method.