Sunday, July 3, 2011

Applying Makeup to Look Like Geisha

It is a very tricky task to look like a geisha. From clothes to makeup and to hairstyle, everything has to be perfect. The most important thing to consider while applying makeup is the white color on the face. First thing to do for starting makeup is applying wax or oil on the face. This is applied so that other things, which are used in makeup, will stick properly on the face. Then good quality white powder is mixed with water and a paste is prepared. Layers of this paste are applied on the face, neck and nape of the neck. Make sure some portion of your skin is left uncovered by this paste, as it will give look of a mask. Before applying this white powder paste, keep in mind to keep your hair back, so that they don’t disturb while doing makeup. After the white colored has been applied on the face, leave it to set. After this, just to soften the features of white color, some powder is then applied all over the face and neck.
Eyebrows are set with black liners. This is done because the natural eyebrows are covered with white powder paste. Different length eyebrows are made according to the time, the geisha has worked. If she is struggler, then the length is eyebrow is short and for a mature geisha eyebrows are long in length. For eye make, apply black eyeliner on upper and lower lid of the eye. To make eyes more attractive you can also apply red eyeliner only on upper eyelid. Red eyeliner is applied thin at the center and thick at the outer corner of the eye. Some red eye shadow also can be applied for a more appropriate look.
The next turn is for lip makeup. White powder paste, which was applied all over, the face has to be applied on lips also. After this some powdered foundation too has to be applied.
Red colored lipstick is mostly picked up for lip makeup, but colors like pink and violet also can be chosen. Generally, lip stick is applied only on half lips. Other half area is left with white color on it. For this, first outline is prepared with the same color of lip liner as that of lipstick. Then only desired lipstick is applied on lips.
Hairstyle of geisha is a simple updo. All the hairs are properly fixed in updo fashion but if your hair is short then extensions are used. Now-a-days wigs are readily available in the market and can be used if you have short hair. Hair accessories like clips, pins, combs etc are used. Applying makeup and doing hairstyle for a geisha needs very patience and time. Also after the makeup and hairstyle is done, it should be maintained properly. It will last for a week if proper care is taken. Apply makeup in such a way that you look like a doll-geisha.