Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Must-know facts about masturbation

Must-know facts about masturbation
Referred to as a healthy sexual stimulation of a person's private parts, masturbation is a common form of autoeroticism.
It's not a topic that we like discussing in the open, thus there are endless myths and misconceptions about masturbation that routinely do the rounds with each new generation. Today we have Dr A Chakravarthy , Consultant in Reproductive & Sexual Medicine from Kerala & President of International Association of Sexual Medicine, who tells us about the top 5 health facts about masturbation.

1. Masturbation does not cause blindness: Masturbation is a normal method of sexual activity for both men and women. So it will not cause blindness or any other health problem. Masturbation has nothing to do with loss of any sensory organs of the body and is a completely safe sexual activity.

2. Many spouses continue to masturbate after marriage: Yes. Indeed. Masturbation per se does not cause any health conditions, however if you do it in excess it can be categorized as an addiction for which one might need a sexologist's help.

3. Top 5 myths about masturbation: There are so many myths and misconceptions regarding masturbation even in civilized societies. People have a misconception that masturbation can lead to

- Blindness
- Infertility
- Sexual weakness
- Loss of weight and decrease in organ size
- Decrease the libido

4. Masturbating women have no trouble reaching orgasm during intercourse: This is because the mechanism of female orgasm is more complex than male's. Men usually arrive at orgasm by ejaculation. Inadequate excitation and improper sex technique becomes a barrier in achieving orgasm for females. Premature ejaculation and inadequate foreplay are the most important reasons from the male counterpart.
5. How much masturbation is too much? No particular cut points exist. It depends on the person. The average rate is around 3 to 7 times per week.

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