The 7th National (Guangzhou) Sex Festival will be held from October 27th to September 2nd at the Jinhan Exhibition Center. The festival focuses on sex education with a forum being held on the topic with sexology experts and shows promoting healthy sexual behaviour.

Other events will be held, including a presentation on the development of condoms, an underwear fashion show, and an exhibition of ancient sex toys. Furthermore, a show presenting the evolution of China's Dudou culture will be staged, presenting Chinese women's bellybands (Dudou). Finally, the festival's sponsor will hand out various sex toys destined to fulfill the sexual needs of disable people.

A modle displays her underwears on the stage. (File photo)

The underwear fashion show presented in the 4th Sex Festival (Guangzhou) Caught the attention of many people. (Photo: nfdaily)

The underwear fashion show presented in the 4th Sex Festival (Guangzhou) Caught the attention of many people. (Photo: ChinaFotoPress)