There are lots of myths about sex and pregnancy, such as:
- Sex can be harmful or painful during pregnancy.
- Intercourse could hurt the baby.
- Sex can lead to a miscarriage
- The baby somehow “knows and feels” that sex is taking place.
But the fact still remains that:
- Unless your doctor says otherwise, sex is safe for you and your baby during pregnancy
- The baby has no idea what Mom & Dad are doing, so please enjoy yourselves!!
- Sexual activity won't “harm” your baby because your baby is protected by the amniotic fluid in your uterus, as well as the mucous plug that blocks the cervix throughout most of your pregnancy.
Pleasures of Sex During Pregnancy
- Increased vaginal lubrication,
- Engorgement of the genital area which helps some people become orgasmic for the first time or have multi-orgasm
- Lack of birth control
- If you have been trying for awhile, a return to sex as pleasure as opposed to procreational and other reasons.
When Not to Have Sex during Pregnancy
- Your obstetrician has advised against it
- History of miscarriage
- Risk of miscarriage
- Previous preterm delivery
- Leaking amniotic fluid(Your water has broken)
- Vaginal bleeding
- Placenta previa(when the placenta is covering part of the cervix)
- High risk pregnancy e. g Twin pregnancy
- If partner has a sexually transmitted disease or HIV
Sex Drive During Pregnancy
Many women find that pregnancy makes them want sex more than they did before they became pregnant. This sex drive is caused by hormonal changes. Sex drives varies during the three trimesters of pregnancy. Symptoms such as nausea and fatigue during the first trimester can lower one’s sex interest in the first trimester and in the second trimester there is an increased desire for sex which reduces during the third trimester.
Best Sex Positions During Pregnancy
Creativity of both partners would be put to test during pregnancy since the traditional position would not be comfortable and pleasurable. These are some suggestions:
- Side lying, knee pulled up
- Woman on top
- Spooning (Man behind woman, entering through the rear)
- Hands and knees
Not Having Sex, Other Forms of Intimacy
If you have been advised against having sex during pregnancy, there are other forms you can get intimate and express your love to your partner such as:
- Kissing
- Cuddling
- Romantic dinners
- Talking and holding hands
- Soothing baths
- Oral Sex
N:B- Ensure your partner does not blow air into your vagina because it can cause air embolism which can be dangerous for you and your baby.
Understanding, empathy, creativity and humor are of the essence for love making during pregnancy.
Finally, sex should not be avoided during pregnancy unless YOUR DOCTOR SAYS SO!