Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Over the Counter Acne Treatments

acnetreatmentThere are several effective over the counter (OTC)acne remedies available, including:
  • Benzoyl Peroxide – this is the most common OTC treatment and is found in many of the main acne brands and works by unblocking plugged pores, reducing skin inflammation and killing the Propionibacteria acnes bacteria responsible for causing painful swellings.
  • Sulfur and resorcinol – these two ingredients are usually combined for a more powerful effect and help to reduced excess oil that plugs pores, and also unblock existing plugged pores.
  • Salicylic Acid – this acid helps to regulate the skin’s natural shedding processes, which can help to keep pores unblocked and prevent spots from forming. This is used in a mild formula in a number of top OTC acne treatments such as the popular Oxy range.
  • Alcohol – alcohol is an antibacterial substance and is used to help control the levels of acne causing bacteria on the skin, and is often found in toners, cleansers and astringents. However alcohol can have a very drying effect on the skin, so is not suitable for sensitive or dry skin types.