Your nails are indicators of your health! Usually when the nails have pink

Maintain Healthy Nails
color, you are deemed as healthy. If there are changes in texture of the nails, it means your body is running short of nutrients, minerals and vitamins.
Tips for great looking nails:
Include calcium and zinc in your diet. Cut down on sugar and alcohol.
Do not pluck, poke or pry with nails.
Stop biting nails. Bitter nail polishes can stop this habit.
Stop pulling hangnails. Clip them with scissors without damaging the tissue.
Cut down on saturated fats, increase intake of proteins and vitamins.
Short nails do not break. Do not go on touching cuticles.
Rub a little lotion on nails whenever you apply lotion to hands or legs.
Cut down on dairy products.
Regularly trim nails. Emery board or nail file should be used.